Where to begin? The hunt for the perfect "new" old house started almost a year ago, with what seemed like no end in sight...until we found the little bungalow on 69th street. Back and forth we went, weighing this, contemplating that, is it the one? Are you sure? Are you sure? Who can be sure?!
So we placed an offer - in November. And here we are, January 19 - still waiting - um, patiently. Who decided to name it a Short Sale? Nothin' short about it.
Meanwhile, we've made list after list of to-do's, put in mental-order what we'll do first, what we'll save for later, a calendar of our packing/fixing up/moving schedule, and so on. Prayed that if this isn't the one, it will become apparent so we can move on, and move in - to something else.
The inspection was scheduled, rescheduled, and once more - scheduled again, just for good luck - and finally, house inspected! Nothing too scary there - we are prepped and ready for a Fixer Upper - we don't scare easily. And then the closing was scheduled, and rescheduled (note the pattern). Some hoo-ha with the bank and reconciling another loan they just found out about (!!). So in two weeks, they say we'll have another closing date set and can get to moving.
Chris and I are ready to go. Ready for the next step in our life. Ready to move forward, start new projects, meet new neighbors, explore a new town, paint new colors - new adventures. Hopefully, we're in the home stretch.