Dear Eddie,
Four months. Wait - four months?!! How did this happen - a third of a year! Oh my. As I'm typing this post, you are across from me, on a sheepskin draped over our big blue ottoman, playing with your wooden ikea toy. You are sucking your thumb with one hand (your left), and grabbing and pulling on the dangling pieces of the toy with your other. Every once in a while you let out a squeal or squawk, or gag yourself a little with your thumb (Silly. Don't do that!) Your hair that started falling out has begun to grow back. Your hands are becoming more dexterous and starting to listen to you when you tell them what to do. Your chunky, roly-poly legs reveal your excitement in their jerky kicks. You express excitement, distaste, frustration and pure glee in your parakeet-like noises. Your eyebrows raise when you are paying attention to things, and you grunt and squeal when you like something. You are an absolute joy, and your daddy and I find watching you and playing with you to be endlessly entertaining. (We often feel bad for our subsequent children - how will we ever pay this much attention to them, or revel in the newness of all they do? Is it even possible?)
I've taken to jotting down notes on the calendar about your behaviors, so I can better recall the whats and whens. Throughout this fourth month, I have things like: crappy sleep, making b sounds, some real laughs started, still liking swaddling and warmed up bed at night, and getting close to rolling over - uh oh! You've gained so much awareness this month - we adore experiencing the different facets of your personality as they are revealed. You greet us with enormous smiles when you wake up (assuming your nap is actually over - you have a hard time napping beyond 45 minutes without some evasive maneuvers on my part). You watch us as we come and go in a room. You express delight at the things you like, and discontent at the things you don't. But now, you can be talked out of it if we try hard enough! It's wonderful being able to reason at least a little bit with you.
You've been going to your Nana GiGi's for a whole month now, twice a week. You seem to truly love her, and I know she eats up her time with you! I am still hoping it doesn't become too difficult for her to watch you, but so far so good. You come back exhausted and take really good naps on the days following her days with you - so you must be getting lots of good play time together! I've walked into her house and she's had you sitting at the piano with her, batting at the keys, singing songs as she walks you throughout the rooms, and letting you gaze adoringly at what she now refers to as "Eddie's clock". It allows me to go spend some time in the working world - with people I love and admire. I feel rejuvenated after a day of work (although tired!) and more aware of how precious the next days I get to spend with you are.
As far as sleep goes, it's really erratic still. If I dwell on this, I get frustrated - it's better when I just don't try to anticipate how a night will go. In general, you go to sleep so easily (thank you!) around 7pm each night, and stay asleep for anywhere from 5-7 hours. After that it's still spotty, but I'm working now at shushing you back to sleep instead of picking you up or feeding you every time. And daytime sleep is also unpredictable. The days you are with your Nana you never sleep more than 45 minutes at a time. I can get you to nap for a few hours at least once a day by either keeping you in your swing or running errands (you snooze like a champ in your carseat still), with a couple catnaps to round out the day. I'm working now on keeping your room dark and warm during naps and giving you some time to protest and try to soothe yourself back to sleep. Today is day one and it worked - so we'll see if we can keep it up! Your papa and I are also on our second type of medication for your reflux, which I believe is helping you lots, and we've introduced a little rice cereal twice a day - which you gobble up. You're hilarious with a spoon, by the way. :) These both seem to keep you more comfortable while sleeping in longer segments.
In terms of milestones, I believe you are right on track - you grab and hold things, engage with us and smile lots, can sit up if assisted by pillows or blankets, and love to bounce in your jumper. Lots of people say you seem very alert and active for your age, and everybody agrees that you are super vocal. It's become a game to get you talking - your Grandma Kathy and Grandpa John are really good at this. You respond strongly to music - both vocal and instrumental. This makes me proud. I hope you become a musician like your daddy!
Well, this post has probably gone on long enough, and I have to get you ready for your four month checkup today. I thank God for you, and your health and happiness my sweet boy - I love being your mama. I love all the ways it has changed me - how I am and the ways I spend my days - the thoughts that occupy my mind, and the work of my hands. Tooter - you are such a gift to your daddy and I, and we look forward to living in this next month with you!