Last week Chris and I came to the conclusion we would wait until the 17th of February, when our offer expires, and if the date came and went we would move on to another house. Then Friday rolled around, and one of the women who works at the bank dealing with our lending called Chris to tell him that our interest rate expired that day, and if we still wanted to house on 69th street we had to pay to extend the rate (Does this sound like a scam or what? The rates are the SAME as when we locked!) But I digress. So Chris called me, and without any hesitation I said - let's forget about it. This house is in rough shape anyway - we can do better. So in turn, he called our real estate agent who by some persuasive magic talked him into just thinking about it before we make any emotional decisions. We've been. Thinking. About. It. Forever. But we did. And concluded, again, that there are no better deals out there right now, and we love a good DIY project. So, $800 later we're locked in (at the same rate - ugh) and tentatively have a closing scheduled for Monday, although we have not received anything officially confirming this.
I vaguely remember all of this runaround from the first time we purchased a home, when three offers prior to the house we got had all fallen through. I found this old email from Chris as I was cleaning out my old emails the other day. It said, "This is what I think of our house buying experience! I love you! -C" Here is the mobile photo he sent...

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