With the addition of our son to the family, some changes regarding my work situation have occurred. The biggest is that I am primarily working outside of a professional office - local coffee houses, cafes, and a spare bedroom in our house are my new workplace. It's a work in progress, but I jumped at the opportunity to do a feminine (pink!) office. I wanted to create a space that is vintage/glam inspired, warm, peaceful, and where I feel like I am stepping away from the rest of my house in a way - that will hopefully trigger the creative bones in my body.
I picked "Gypsy Moth" by Martha Stewart for the paint color - it's sort of a peachy pink tint to an almost white color, and it's light and airy - I love it. The walls in this old farmhouse throw lots of shadows that create a challenge for the smallness of the rooms, so we've learned that lighter colors help prevent the rooms from feeling like they are caving in around us. And I confess, I partly picked the paint based on the name. Does everyone do this, or just me? I enlisted my husband to help me tackle this job, who has now earned the title "Mean Painter". Remind me to do this myself next time! A couple beers into the project he was in better spirits - thank goodness!
I promise it doesn't look this much like a band-aid.Almost everything else was repurposed from other places in our house. Here are a few of my inspiration photos:
I have this desk and poster - and I love the addition of tan to the pink and white color scheme.
Love the oriental rug, and again - pink and tan. I also like the introduction of the soft blue, which the rug I bought has.
Our walls are similarly angled, so I think an inspiration wall like this - behind my monitor - would be awesome.
Pink and tan again, with bolder pops of blue...makes it a little funkier/more modern.I still have a little ways to go but I'm having fun figuring out what to hang on the walls and how to generally spruce it up! I will keep you posted!
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