My Sweet Boy -
You are five months old! Actually, as I'm writing this (late as usual) - you are five and a half months old. Your picture will be the same - sorry about that. I don't even know where to begin - it seems you are growing and changing in leaps and bounds. Whenever anyone meets you - they comment on how alert you are for five months, how strong you are, and how vocal. The development of a baby in these first months of life is truly miraculous to observe - no wonder you little people sleep so much!

In the past weeks, you seem so much more like a baby boy than an infant, if that makes sense. You've mastered rolling over from your back to your tummy, and we now find you sleeping soundly on your belly in the night. (And in case you were wondering, this has really helped reduce your crazy gas!) You enjoy spending time this way during the day too, and wiggle and kick and squirm for your toys and reach out for the dogs, who are your new favorite form of entertainment. You also spit up less these days, though you still catch us unprepared from time to time, usually right over my shoulder into my hair or on your daddy's arm just before he leaves for work in the morning. Impeccable timing. :) You can't quite sit on your own yet, but you do sort of "tripod", although I still keep a close eye on you because you are a bit top-heavy.

You've turned into quite the little observer - you love to watch things and see how they work. Wind chimes, bubbles, mirrors, opening and closing doors and cabinets. Your daddy and I try to include you in all sorts of things to help you learn. You want to hold and grab things, and put
everything in your mouth. You love looking at the television, computer screens - our phones. Your big bright eyes take it all in, and I can practically see those wheels turning in your growing mind.

Quick recap on food and sleep: We dropped the rice cereal (even though you loved it) and this month you were back to milk only. It made you wake up in the night screaming because your gas hurt so bad. I couldn't stand it - not worth it! I bought some barley cereal which I heard is a little better but have yet to try it. I'm thinking of skipping the grains and going straight to making you some fruits and veggies. So far you are still growing and gaining weight so it's not really a concern. As far as sleep goes - you can't seem to get past these 45 minute stretches of nap, unless you're riding in the car or possibly in your swing. You wake up bright eyed and bushy-tailed, talking to yourself and your animals in the crib - but get tired again really soon after. I'd love for you to sleep for a good hour and a half to two hours in the am and pm, but I guess I don't always get my way. I already devote way too much time and energy obsessing about your sleep - your daddy is trying to get me to give up some control and let you sleep when you want. Sigh. At night, not much has changed since last month. You usually go to bed by around 7pm, get up once around 1 or 2 to eat and go right back to sleep. Then you might wake up once more in the wee hours, and sometimes we can shush you back to sleep but others I just feed you again, and you're up for the day around 6 or 7. I keep hearing about these mysterious babies who sleep through the night at 8 weeks old - I guess you just miss me so much you want to hang out every few hours! :)

This past month we had unseasonably warm weather, and it made me realize how cooped up we've been in the house (and how much
fun we have ahead of us this spring and summer!) We've been taking walks every night when your daddy gets home, with Ralph and Milo. Your daddy puts you in the baby bjorn and you kick and yap and are just generally a happy camper. You and I have gone for lots of early morning runs in the jogging stroller, spent time outside in the yard on a blanket, and you finally get to hang out with no pants on! I love that those chunky little legs can finally come out and play. Your daddy turned 30 on the 19th, and we went and got a Burley to attach to our bikes, and you went for your first bike ride (to the park, where you went in your first swing!) Lots of firsts these days!
Your papa and I find ourselves continually saying how fast this is all going. If only we could slow down time - stretch it out and keep you small for a bit longer. At the same time, it's such a joy to watch you grow and change. I can only imagine how fun it will be as you start talking, walking, asking questions, showing us who you are in new ways.
Lastly - I just have to say a few words about how truly
beautiful you are. Everyone says it. You definitely look like a boy, they say - but a beautiful boy. You've got the softest, smoothest skin and the roundest little cheeks that are usually just a touch rosy. Your eyes are bright and aware, framed by these incredibly long and dark lashes (lucky!) Your hair is soft and lighter than when you were first born - you're like a downy, baby duck. Your smile is huge and so rewarding - it lights up your whole face and is worth every crazy effort we make to earn one. Your little body is so precious - from your shoulders to your pudgy wrists to your sweet belly and chunky legs, to the feet you've learned to grab and the toes you pop in your mouth. I love every inch of you and kiss you all up on a very regular basis. Thank you for being so sweet, such a joy - such an indescribable addition into our world. I love you Eddie Bear - happy five months old!
