Dear Eddie Bear -
Your eyes have changed colors. They were a beautiful gray blue - I was proud to say they were like mine. They still have the same awareness - you are a very watchful boy. But they've changed to look more like your daddy's - a lovely hazel, that sometimes looks more green, sometimes more golden, depending on the light and the day. It's only a small thing, something that happens to most babies - but one of many changes you've faced this past month.
What a gummy grin. Melts me! |
Every month I say how it's my favorite age yet - the same is true for your seventh. You are so fun - it's such a delight watching your personality slowly emerge. You are like your daddy - thoughtful, curious, cuddly, and at times - exaggerated, loud and funny. You are quick with a smile - although it's a little more work to get a laugh (at least for me). One day I was feeling so left out - you squeal and squawk and giggle for others, but not me - I googled "how to make my baby laugh" and "my baby laughs at everyone but me". Pathetic, I know. I didn't find anything helpful - but that same day I took you to the grocery store and was pushing you through the store in the cart. You were in your carseat and I was tickling your belly with my face - and you laughed and laughed - just for me. I cried right there in the store - such a sappy mama. But I needed that sweet laugh! I go through dips where I feel you enjoy the company of everyone but me - I am there for food, for cleanup, for putting you to bed. It's a small thing, a giggle - but it lifts me right out of the pity party. Then I remember how much I enjoy all the things you need me for - food, cleanup, putting you to bed - and I stop feeling sorry for myself and realize that
those things are the beauty and simplicity of motherhood.
Had to include this one - such a chunker! Patiently waiting for Mama to give you the next bite. |
We've made the leap to lots more solids in your diet - green beans, peaches, and lots more bananas, pears, mangos, and peas. I think as a result you are also sleeping longer at night, and just last week you slept 10 hours straight. The first time in your life you literally slept through the night. I woke up at 5am and waited, astounded, for you to awake. You had a rough night after that (up every 2 hours!) but two days later you were the proud owner of a third tooth (three on the bottom now!). You repeated the 10 hour slumber one other time but since then it's been stretches of 6 or 7 hours. I'll take it though! Your naps are improving as well. You still struggle a little at your Nana Gigi's, but with me you usually take a short morning nap and a good afternoon nap. You still need a quick power-nap in the early evening to make it to bedtime, but it seems like things are in flux right now. You've been going to bed later, sleeping later, and therefore your naps are all later in the day - so we'll see.
You are finally okay with taking baths, but still love showers with Daddy. |
You've learned some funny new tricks this month. One is what your daddy and I affectionately call "Kung Fu Talk" - like when the voices are dubbed in English over Japanese or Chinese - the words end and the mouth keeps moving. It's so cute - you also make lots of high pitched noises - you are really experimenting with your voice. You whisper, squeak and yell. You love your baths (although still generally shower with Daddy) - you crack me up by trying to lean forward and bite the water. Your pudgy little arms and legs kick and splash. Mobility is your new game - you've learned to scoot around on your belly in a circle, and you are great at pushing up on your arms - except you move backwards instead of forwards. While endearing, we've got to work on getting you up on those knees. You
want to crawl - but we're not quite there yet. That's ok - take your time on that one, buddy.
One other thing to note - you were recruited by a talent agent at church this month! Of course, we
know you are beautiful - but it's always welcome if somebody else wants to confirm it! A woman approached us and said she couldn't believe how good looking and well-behaved you were, and asked if we'd be interested in having you do any modeling for places like Kohl's or Land's End. Your daddy and I think we'll give it a shot - and if you get booked (and don't hate it), we'll put the money into an account just for you. Pretty neat!
You're a big fan of your swing - an Easter gift from your Grandma and Grandpa Kathe! |
I will end with a little scene that will always be a sweet memory for me. We stayed late at your buddy Jackson's 2nd birthday party, and knew if we went home and tried to put you down to sleep the usual way you'd put up a good fight. So we drove around and around, your daddy and I singing James Taylor and Taylor Swift and any other songs we could think of until you finally fell asleep in the car. We kept looking at each other, smiling in the dark car - singing together - and I know our minds were both in the same place, thinking how this is a brief and precious time in our lives. I can't believe you are already seven months old, Tootie - what will the next month bring?
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