Monday, August 20, 2012
Movin' on up - er...out!
Just because I felt like getting experimental, I've moved over to Wordpress. The New Old House can now be found here. Come on over and see the latest - cheers!
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Dear Eddie | Nine Months
Nine months in - nine months out. That's what keeps running through my mind as we cross the nine month old mark. From this perspective, it sure makes pregnancy seem like a long run! On the flip side, I can't believe you've already been on this earth for that length of time. It's caused me to be extra-reflective on your development and growth, on the changes you've brought to this household. You showed up at what seems to be just the right time. The right moment when we needed new life, a dose of simplicity - the joy, wonder and laughter that comes with a sweet baby. You brought with you a new layer of happiness for our family - a reminder for us as we struggled with the loss of people we loved, how precious and sweet life is when it's new.
![]() |
Boating on Pewaukee Lake. |
Your signature crawl. |
Your baptism! |
Anyway, I should wrap it up. I realize that all of these letters to you sound so dreamy. It's not to say that every moment is easy. There's the pure torture of diaper changes alone - you cry and squirm and twist and turn and drive me nuts. You scream the instant I put you in your car seat. Bedtime can sometimes drive me to tears. Or big glasses of wine. My brain is now segmented into two parts - naptime and the rest of the time. Your daddy sometimes gets home from a long day at work and you are a crab until the moment you fall asleep. I would love to have 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Or 6. I'd settle for 4 some nights. The balance of working when you sleep and scrambling to keep my job, our home and my relationships somewhat functional is a challenge. But all in all, we've got it so good. You're healthy. You're happy. You're growing. You light up when you see us. We adore you. What could I possibly complain about? So I try not to. Because I want to communicate joy in regard to you. I want you to only sense my love, never my impatience or frustration. We are figuring it out on the fly, and keeping our fingers crossed that it all works out. Hopefully, you absorb the affection and happiness and laughter, and continue to grow up in a household of peace and lightness. God has so richly blessed us, and my praises go up to him in gratitude.
Sweet Bear - I love you more than words could say. Happy 9 months!
Monday, July 16, 2012
Dear Eddie | Eight Months

Aside from learning lots of new things, eight months has been fun in the food department. You're able to try lots of new things now, so we've introduced butternut squash, apricots, and…I'm less proud to admit - french fries and pizza! Just little pieces - mostly to keep you content while we were eating, but it's fun to be able to give you little bits of real food now and see you work on it. You discovered your tongue, which sounds kind of weird but is the cutest thing ever - you stick it out all the time and make funny faces and run it over your lips - it's this little pointy thing, it kills me when I see you playing around with it. Add to that your third tooth (on the bottom - kinda crooked!) and there's all kinds of stuff going on with that mouth these days.
You've also had an adventurous month - we've taken you all sorts of places. You saw gospel choirs perform at Eastbrook Church, saw the Watoto African Children's Choir perform at Brookfield Christian (that was cool!), you went with me to vote in a recall election for the governor of Wisconsin (my little activist!), AND - we went on our first family vacation! We took you up to Door County for a little over a week - we always take a vacation to celebrate our anniversary (it was SIX years this time, which is hard to believe). I love your daddy so much and look forward to these trips all year - and it was such a blast to have you along for the ride. Definitely different, vacationing with a baby, but still loads of fun.
We spent the first four nights in Ephraim, which we've never done because it's usually straight up to Washington Island, and tried to squeeze in all of the things we say we want to do as we drive by on our way to the ferry. I think we tackled most of them - beaches, eating at the little cafes and restaurants, Penninsula State Park, antiquing, and my favorite memory of all - a drive-in movie! Your dad and I wanted to attempt this on the day of our anniversary, so we very strategically put you to bed that evening in your car seat, and whisked you off unknowingly for the 9pm movie. Of course, you woke up 20 minutes in, but proceeded to stay awake and watch the movie with us, from your daddy's lap, in the front seat! We could not believe it, and the memory still makes me chuckle. So your first movie experience was at the drive-in, just over seven months old, and you saw Men In Black 3. Not the most cultural film ever, but it kept you entertained! The little cabin we rented turned out to be a less of cozy, quaint log home and more of a dark, dank, one-room shoebox - which was a little challenging with a baby who goes to sleep at 7 pm, but we made it work by putting your pack 'n play in the kitchen, hanging an ugly afghan over the door, and doing our best to not have to go to the bathroom, get anything to drink, or make too much racket the rest of the night. Needless to say, we were glad to head to the island for the second half of the trip. We spent the rest of the week playing in the sand, hanging on the sunny deck, riding bikes and taking walks on the beach. It was perfection. I couldn't help but picture what it would be like if we are blessed with more children - to spend the days watching you play with your little brother(s) or sister(s)…how sweet it will be!
So, Toots, I'll wrap this up. I love you so very much I can practically feel my heart getting squeezed in my chest. I love watching you learn and showing you new things, taking you new places, running all over with you and your daddy. He especially enjoyed this month, since it was the first time except right after you were born he got to spend a whole, uninterrupted week with you. It was hard for all of us to get back to the "real world". I can only imagine what the next month will bring!
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Dear Eddie | Seven Months
Dear Eddie Bear -
Your eyes have changed colors. They were a beautiful gray blue - I was proud to say they were like mine. They still have the same awareness - you are a very watchful boy. But they've changed to look more like your daddy's - a lovely hazel, that sometimes looks more green, sometimes more golden, depending on the light and the day. It's only a small thing, something that happens to most babies - but one of many changes you've faced this past month.
Every month I say how it's my favorite age yet - the same is true for your seventh. You are so fun - it's such a delight watching your personality slowly emerge. You are like your daddy - thoughtful, curious, cuddly, and at times - exaggerated, loud and funny. You are quick with a smile - although it's a little more work to get a laugh (at least for me). One day I was feeling so left out - you squeal and squawk and giggle for others, but not me - I googled "how to make my baby laugh" and "my baby laughs at everyone but me". Pathetic, I know. I didn't find anything helpful - but that same day I took you to the grocery store and was pushing you through the store in the cart. You were in your carseat and I was tickling your belly with my face - and you laughed and laughed - just for me. I cried right there in the store - such a sappy mama. But I needed that sweet laugh! I go through dips where I feel you enjoy the company of everyone but me - I am there for food, for cleanup, for putting you to bed. It's a small thing, a giggle - but it lifts me right out of the pity party. Then I remember how much I enjoy all the things you need me for - food, cleanup, putting you to bed - and I stop feeling sorry for myself and realize that those things are the beauty and simplicity of motherhood.
We've made the leap to lots more solids in your diet - green beans, peaches, and lots more bananas, pears, mangos, and peas. I think as a result you are also sleeping longer at night, and just last week you slept 10 hours straight. The first time in your life you literally slept through the night. I woke up at 5am and waited, astounded, for you to awake. You had a rough night after that (up every 2 hours!) but two days later you were the proud owner of a third tooth (three on the bottom now!). You repeated the 10 hour slumber one other time but since then it's been stretches of 6 or 7 hours. I'll take it though! Your naps are improving as well. You still struggle a little at your Nana Gigi's, but with me you usually take a short morning nap and a good afternoon nap. You still need a quick power-nap in the early evening to make it to bedtime, but it seems like things are in flux right now. You've been going to bed later, sleeping later, and therefore your naps are all later in the day - so we'll see.
You've learned some funny new tricks this month. One is what your daddy and I affectionately call "Kung Fu Talk" - like when the voices are dubbed in English over Japanese or Chinese - the words end and the mouth keeps moving. It's so cute - you also make lots of high pitched noises - you are really experimenting with your voice. You whisper, squeak and yell. You love your baths (although still generally shower with Daddy) - you crack me up by trying to lean forward and bite the water. Your pudgy little arms and legs kick and splash. Mobility is your new game - you've learned to scoot around on your belly in a circle, and you are great at pushing up on your arms - except you move backwards instead of forwards. While endearing, we've got to work on getting you up on those knees. You want to crawl - but we're not quite there yet. That's ok - take your time on that one, buddy.
One other thing to note - you were recruited by a talent agent at church this month! Of course, we know you are beautiful - but it's always welcome if somebody else wants to confirm it! A woman approached us and said she couldn't believe how good looking and well-behaved you were, and asked if we'd be interested in having you do any modeling for places like Kohl's or Land's End. Your daddy and I think we'll give it a shot - and if you get booked (and don't hate it), we'll put the money into an account just for you. Pretty neat!
I will end with a little scene that will always be a sweet memory for me. We stayed late at your buddy Jackson's 2nd birthday party, and knew if we went home and tried to put you down to sleep the usual way you'd put up a good fight. So we drove around and around, your daddy and I singing James Taylor and Taylor Swift and any other songs we could think of until you finally fell asleep in the car. We kept looking at each other, smiling in the dark car - singing together - and I know our minds were both in the same place, thinking how this is a brief and precious time in our lives. I can't believe you are already seven months old, Tootie - what will the next month bring?
Your eyes have changed colors. They were a beautiful gray blue - I was proud to say they were like mine. They still have the same awareness - you are a very watchful boy. But they've changed to look more like your daddy's - a lovely hazel, that sometimes looks more green, sometimes more golden, depending on the light and the day. It's only a small thing, something that happens to most babies - but one of many changes you've faced this past month.
What a gummy grin. Melts me! |
Had to include this one - such a chunker! Patiently waiting for Mama to give you the next bite. |
You are finally okay with taking baths, but still love showers with Daddy. |
One other thing to note - you were recruited by a talent agent at church this month! Of course, we know you are beautiful - but it's always welcome if somebody else wants to confirm it! A woman approached us and said she couldn't believe how good looking and well-behaved you were, and asked if we'd be interested in having you do any modeling for places like Kohl's or Land's End. Your daddy and I think we'll give it a shot - and if you get booked (and don't hate it), we'll put the money into an account just for you. Pretty neat!
You're a big fan of your swing - an Easter gift from your Grandma and Grandpa Kathe! |
I will end with a little scene that will always be a sweet memory for me. We stayed late at your buddy Jackson's 2nd birthday party, and knew if we went home and tried to put you down to sleep the usual way you'd put up a good fight. So we drove around and around, your daddy and I singing James Taylor and Taylor Swift and any other songs we could think of until you finally fell asleep in the car. We kept looking at each other, smiling in the dark car - singing together - and I know our minds were both in the same place, thinking how this is a brief and precious time in our lives. I can't believe you are already seven months old, Tootie - what will the next month bring?
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Dear Eddie | Six Months

As I am writing this you are quickly approaching seven months old (it is May 6th). Life is just moving so fast these days - it has been hard to find the time to sit down and get these thoughts out of my head and onto the page. You, your daddy and I are in the car right now, driving down to your Grandma and Grandpa's in Illinois for your Great Great Aunt Rosemary's 89th birthday party! You have never met her before, and you are going to meet some of my aunts and uncles for the first time today as well. They are not going to believe how big and strong and fun you are!
The sweet little face that greets me after a good nap.
You are such a big boy! You play with toys now!'re a big fan of pretty much any food.
I just want to record a few of the developmental things that stand out this month. A major one is that you have been practicing lots of sitting up - and I almost trust your skills enough to leave you sitting unassisted, although not quite - sometimes you get excited and topple forwards or back, so we still need blankets and pillows around you just in case. You've also been saying lots of "dadadadada's", and a few "mamamama's" (although what the heck - the mamama's happen only when you are frustrated?!) I've been enjoying making, and you've been enjoying eating, lots of new foods: sweet potatoes, pears, bananas, mangoes, barley cereal - all of which you love. You've become this soft, doughy little person in the cutest way imaginable. Your wrists look like they have rubber bands wrapped around them, and I believe there are three rolls on each thigh. You are kissable and squeezable and we are eating up this gushy time. You got your "first kiss" this month from little Miss Ava Nowak - it was very precious, and made her mama and I tear up a little. We are all crossing our fingers that you two fall madly in love some day - but no pressure. ;)
Getting my daily dose of baby snuggles.
Another big thing this month has been your nighttime routine. You've been pretty high maintenance - maybe your daddy and I have encouraged this - at times it's a little trying but we've come to the conclusion that while we have the time, energy, and patience - we will make the extra effort and send you off to sleep happily and peacefully. Your subsequent siblings may not be so lucky....You prefer to be shushed and bounced - sometimes for what seems like forever - and no more rocking! You still love singing and there is one magical song..."Mary's Song" by Taylor Swift. I bet you'll be embarrassed someday to hear that - but we start singing the first few words and you are instantly attentive and quiet. I put it on in the car, bust it out in the middle of the night during diaper changes - you name it. The effectiveness has only just now started to wear off after a good solid month of usage - I'm going to have to find a new song soon, but for now - you love it. Your papa has even learned how to play it on the guitar, and he plays you that - and lots of other songs, many nights before bedtime. Those are some of our most treasured moments of the day. (Although sometimes it also drags out bedtime - because you want to be able to watch and listen to your daddy play.)

Saturday, May 19, 2012
Dear Eddie | Five Months
My Sweet Boy -
You are five months old! Actually, as I'm writing this (late as usual) - you are five and a half months old. Your picture will be the same - sorry about that. I don't even know where to begin - it seems you are growing and changing in leaps and bounds. Whenever anyone meets you - they comment on how alert you are for five months, how strong you are, and how vocal. The development of a baby in these first months of life is truly miraculous to observe - no wonder you little people sleep so much!
In the past weeks, you seem so much more like a baby boy than an infant, if that makes sense. You've mastered rolling over from your back to your tummy, and we now find you sleeping soundly on your belly in the night. (And in case you were wondering, this has really helped reduce your crazy gas!) You enjoy spending time this way during the day too, and wiggle and kick and squirm for your toys and reach out for the dogs, who are your new favorite form of entertainment. You also spit up less these days, though you still catch us unprepared from time to time, usually right over my shoulder into my hair or on your daddy's arm just before he leaves for work in the morning. Impeccable timing. :) You can't quite sit on your own yet, but you do sort of "tripod", although I still keep a close eye on you because you are a bit top-heavy.
You've turned into quite the little observer - you love to watch things and see how they work. Wind chimes, bubbles, mirrors, opening and closing doors and cabinets. Your daddy and I try to include you in all sorts of things to help you learn. You want to hold and grab things, and put everything in your mouth. You love looking at the television, computer screens - our phones. Your big bright eyes take it all in, and I can practically see those wheels turning in your growing mind.

This past month we had unseasonably warm weather, and it made me realize how cooped up we've been in the house (and how much fun we have ahead of us this spring and summer!) We've been taking walks every night when your daddy gets home, with Ralph and Milo. Your daddy puts you in the baby bjorn and you kick and yap and are just generally a happy camper. You and I have gone for lots of early morning runs in the jogging stroller, spent time outside in the yard on a blanket, and you finally get to hang out with no pants on! I love that those chunky little legs can finally come out and play. Your daddy turned 30 on the 19th, and we went and got a Burley to attach to our bikes, and you went for your first bike ride (to the park, where you went in your first swing!) Lots of firsts these days!
Your papa and I find ourselves continually saying how fast this is all going. If only we could slow down time - stretch it out and keep you small for a bit longer. At the same time, it's such a joy to watch you grow and change. I can only imagine how fun it will be as you start talking, walking, asking questions, showing us who you are in new ways.
Lastly - I just have to say a few words about how truly beautiful you are. Everyone says it. You definitely look like a boy, they say - but a beautiful boy. You've got the softest, smoothest skin and the roundest little cheeks that are usually just a touch rosy. Your eyes are bright and aware, framed by these incredibly long and dark lashes (lucky!) Your hair is soft and lighter than when you were first born - you're like a downy, baby duck. Your smile is huge and so rewarding - it lights up your whole face and is worth every crazy effort we make to earn one. Your little body is so precious - from your shoulders to your pudgy wrists to your sweet belly and chunky legs, to the feet you've learned to grab and the toes you pop in your mouth. I love every inch of you and kiss you all up on a very regular basis. Thank you for being so sweet, such a joy - such an indescribable addition into our world. I love you Eddie Bear - happy five months old!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Dear Eddie | Four Months

Dear Eddie,
Four months. Wait - four months?!! How did this happen - a third of a year! Oh my. As I'm typing this post, you are across from me, on a sheepskin draped over our big blue ottoman, playing with your wooden ikea toy. You are sucking your thumb with one hand (your left), and grabbing and pulling on the dangling pieces of the toy with your other. Every once in a while you let out a squeal or squawk, or gag yourself a little with your thumb (Silly. Don't do that!) Your hair that started falling out has begun to grow back. Your hands are becoming more dexterous and starting to listen to you when you tell them what to do. Your chunky, roly-poly legs reveal your excitement in their jerky kicks. You express excitement, distaste, frustration and pure glee in your parakeet-like noises. Your eyebrows raise when you are paying attention to things, and you grunt and squeal when you like something. You are an absolute joy, and your daddy and I find watching you and playing with you to be endlessly entertaining. (We often feel bad for our subsequent children - how will we ever pay this much attention to them, or revel in the newness of all they do? Is it even possible?)
I've taken to jotting down notes on the calendar about your behaviors, so I can better recall the whats and whens. Throughout this fourth month, I have things like: crappy sleep, making b sounds, some real laughs started, still liking swaddling and warmed up bed at night, and getting close to rolling over - uh oh! You've gained so much awareness this month - we adore experiencing the different facets of your personality as they are revealed. You greet us with enormous smiles when you wake up (assuming your nap is actually over - you have a hard time napping beyond 45 minutes without some evasive maneuvers on my part). You watch us as we come and go in a room. You express delight at the things you like, and discontent at the things you don't. But now, you can be talked out of it if we try hard enough! It's wonderful being able to reason at least a little bit with you.
You've been going to your Nana GiGi's for a whole month now, twice a week. You seem to truly love her, and I know she eats up her time with you! I am still hoping it doesn't become too difficult for her to watch you, but so far so good. You come back exhausted and take really good naps on the days following her days with you - so you must be getting lots of good play time together! I've walked into her house and she's had you sitting at the piano with her, batting at the keys, singing songs as she walks you throughout the rooms, and letting you gaze adoringly at what she now refers to as "Eddie's clock". It allows me to go spend some time in the working world - with people I love and admire. I feel rejuvenated after a day of work (although tired!) and more aware of how precious the next days I get to spend with you are.
As far as sleep goes, it's really erratic still. If I dwell on this, I get frustrated - it's better when I just don't try to anticipate how a night will go. In general, you go to sleep so easily (thank you!) around 7pm each night, and stay asleep for anywhere from 5-7 hours. After that it's still spotty, but I'm working now at shushing you back to sleep instead of picking you up or feeding you every time. And daytime sleep is also unpredictable. The days you are with your Nana you never sleep more than 45 minutes at a time. I can get you to nap for a few hours at least once a day by either keeping you in your swing or running errands (you snooze like a champ in your carseat still), with a couple catnaps to round out the day. I'm working now on keeping your room dark and warm during naps and giving you some time to protest and try to soothe yourself back to sleep. Today is day one and it worked - so we'll see if we can keep it up! Your papa and I are also on our second type of medication for your reflux, which I believe is helping you lots, and we've introduced a little rice cereal twice a day - which you gobble up. You're hilarious with a spoon, by the way. :) These both seem to keep you more comfortable while sleeping in longer segments.
In terms of milestones, I believe you are right on track - you grab and hold things, engage with us and smile lots, can sit up if assisted by pillows or blankets, and love to bounce in your jumper. Lots of people say you seem very alert and active for your age, and everybody agrees that you are super vocal. It's become a game to get you talking - your Grandma Kathy and Grandpa John are really good at this. You respond strongly to music - both vocal and instrumental. This makes me proud. I hope you become a musician like your daddy!
Well, this post has probably gone on long enough, and I have to get you ready for your four month checkup today. I thank God for you, and your health and happiness my sweet boy - I love being your mama. I love all the ways it has changed me - how I am and the ways I spend my days - the thoughts that occupy my mind, and the work of my hands. Tooter - you are such a gift to your daddy and I, and we look forward to living in this next month with you!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Home. Office.
With the addition of our son to the family, some changes regarding my work situation have occurred. The biggest is that I am primarily working outside of a professional office - local coffee houses, cafes, and a spare bedroom in our house are my new workplace. It's a work in progress, but I jumped at the opportunity to do a feminine (pink!) office. I wanted to create a space that is vintage/glam inspired, warm, peaceful, and where I feel like I am stepping away from the rest of my house in a way - that will hopefully trigger the creative bones in my body.
I picked "Gypsy Moth" by Martha Stewart for the paint color - it's sort of a peachy pink tint to an almost white color, and it's light and airy - I love it. The walls in this old farmhouse throw lots of shadows that create a challenge for the smallness of the rooms, so we've learned that lighter colors help prevent the rooms from feeling like they are caving in around us. And I confess, I partly picked the paint based on the name. Does everyone do this, or just me? I enlisted my husband to help me tackle this job, who has now earned the title "Mean Painter". Remind me to do this myself next time! A couple beers into the project he was in better spirits - thank goodness!
Almost everything else was repurposed from other places in our house. Here are a few of my inspiration photos:
Love the oriental rug, and again - pink and tan. I also like the introduction of the soft blue, which the rug I bought has.
Our walls are similarly angled, so I think an inspiration wall like this - behind my monitor - would be awesome.
I picked "Gypsy Moth" by Martha Stewart for the paint color - it's sort of a peachy pink tint to an almost white color, and it's light and airy - I love it. The walls in this old farmhouse throw lots of shadows that create a challenge for the smallness of the rooms, so we've learned that lighter colors help prevent the rooms from feeling like they are caving in around us. And I confess, I partly picked the paint based on the name. Does everyone do this, or just me? I enlisted my husband to help me tackle this job, who has now earned the title "Mean Painter". Remind me to do this myself next time! A couple beers into the project he was in better spirits - thank goodness!
Almost everything else was repurposed from other places in our house. Here are a few of my inspiration photos:

Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Dear Eddie | Three Months
Sweet Boy - you are 3 months old today! I can hardly believe the changes that have occurred in the last month. You have become so strong, and so social. When I hold up rattles or dangle anything in front of you, you get very excited and start jerking your little limbs around, and making little snorty noises. You've been enjoying putting everything in your mouth too - a favorite is knuckles! You also love to talk and make lots of noises - you've become very vocal! I absolutely love it and your dad and I do all we can to get you talking. (Perhaps we will regret this when we can't get you to stop talking, but for now it's lots of fun.) Your little voice sounds like a cartoon and you have so much expression in the sounds you make! The pediatrician said this next period - 3 to 6 months - is when things start to get really fun (he is right!)
Speaking of 3 to 6 months - I had to retire most of your newborn clothes. I was chatting with someone the other day, and I said that having a baby makes me simultaneously mourn and rejoice in each new day. I get so sad that you are getting bigger and aren't a precious little newborn anymore, but I have great joy that we are getting to know who you are as you develop! I never understood people being sad their children weren't small anymore, until we had you - now I do. But your dad reminded me to just be happy and remember that every day you get bigger it means you are growing strong and healthy, and for that I am grateful. But it was still sad to put away some of those tiny little outfits - definitely tugs at my heartstrings. One part of you that is still very small is your thumbs -oh do they do me in! You are getting some chunk on you, and your little thighs and wrists look like they have rubberbands stretched around them. But the pudgy little thumbs are the very best part. They are so mini!
You are sleeping really well these days. Your bedtime has shifted to around 7 pm (usually), and you usually sleep for a good 5 or 6 hours for your first stretch. I love that 1 or 2 am feeding and don't mind it at all - in fact I will be sad when you outgrow it, it's such a sweet and precious quiet time with you. You are still waking up a few short hours after that, but now I just pull you in the bed to feed you and don't try to fuss with getting you back to sleep in your own bed. Your dad and I love to snuggle you and you sleep better and longer that way. Hopefully we won't regret this down the road!
Another new development this month is that we think you might have a food sensitivity to dairy. Your poops were starting to turn green and look like guacamole (yep - you get all the gory details!) but as soon as I trimmed out the dairy, they went back to normal. It could just be a coincidence but that might also have something to do with why you've always been so gassy. I'm going to keep it up for a little while and see how you respond. I hope you understand how much I love you by giving up cheese - this is very difficult! Remember, we live in Wisconsin... :)
I also went back to "work" as of this week. I'm working either at coffee shops or out of my newly decorated home office two days a week. Your Nana GiGi will be watching you. The only people in the world other than your papa and I that I would trust with you on a regular basis are my parents and your dad's mom, so it helps to be leaving you in her care. It's still hard though - up until this point it's been my full-time job to care for you - to feed and nurture you, figure out your schedule, love you up, and play and snuggle! I was so anxious about it on Sunday night, but realized I had to just give up some control and let your Nana figure it out for herself. After all, she raised my husband - the man I married! So she must have some idea what she's doing... Yesterday when it was a day off, I barely put you down. We cuddled and napped together and I smothered you with kisses all day. It made me realize what a sacrifice your papa makes every day when he goes off to work in order to provide for our family. Some nights he gets home and you are so sleepy, he only gets an hour with you. I know it is very difficult for him and he feels like he is really missing out. I suppose it's just a different way to take care of you, but equally as important as the way I care for you. We are still working on a plan that incorporates more flexibility in our lives so we can all spend less time apart - more time as a family. I'll keep you posted on that!
Sweet Eddie Boy - I love you more than I can say in words. My eyes sting with tears whenever I think about it, whenever you give me a big gummy smile, whenever I sing you a song, whenever you sleepily snuggle into my neck in the night. You are your dad's and my greatest joy. I can't wait to see what this next month brings!
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